With over 130,000 fonts available to license for any project, MyFonts is the largest font marketplace around. Find the same inventory offered here (and more!) over at our partner storefront, MyFonts. Google Noto Google's support ~800 different scripts, and are available on a, and also available for download from. We include the following font families in our repository: TH Baijam, TH Chakra Petch, TH Charm of AU, TH Charmonman, TH Fah Kwang, TH K2D July8, TH Kodchasai, TH KoHo, TH Krub, TH Mali Grade 6, TH Niramit AS, TH Sarabun New, and TH Srisakdi.
DIP-SIPA The Thai Department of Intellectual Property (DIP), and Ministry of Commerce and the Software Industry Promotion Agency (Public Organization) (SIPA) have released several fonts under free-to-use (and distribute) license. We include the following font families in our repository: Athiti, Chonburi, Itim, Kanit, Maitree, Mitr, Pattaya, Pridi, Prompt, Sriracha, Taviraj, and Trirong.

Below are the sources and the font families available (though again, not all font families are complete). National fonts (Thai: RTGS: font haeng chat), or colloquially SIPA fonts Property through, and can be downloaded freely on the. These are font foundries, typeface designers, and/or font license holders. Downloadable Free Thai Fonts and their Licenses Download from the directories listed above Font Foundries, Typeface Designers, Font Families For this Thai Font Collection, we focus on 6 sources of free and open source Thai fonts.